Tuesday, April 17, 2007

In The Beginning…

If you’re on this page, then chances are the below message contains not much more than you probably already know- but it’s a good read so, carry on.
You see, most people have a dream. Some dream of riches, some dream of world peace, or some (well, me) dream of a world where it is perfectly safe and nutritious to eat ice cream sandwiches for every meal, every day.
Then there’s Rob.
Rob had a dream to ride his bike across these here United States. Yup, a challenging goal to say the least, but in true Rob fashion, one that is obtainable, and is about to be obtained.
As long as I’ve known Rob, he’s rarely if ever done anything blatantly selfish. Always the giver, he will often be seen doing something for someone else. But now, for what might just be the first time in his life, he’s doing something that HE wants to do. However, again in true Rob fashion, he’s found a way to live his dream while still doing something for someone else.
As you all know, Rob will be raising money for the Tyler Hamilton Foundation to combat Multiple Sclerosis- all the while honoring his loving mother Mary. As of this post he has raised well over $7000.

Now to the point of the blog.
As Rob travels he will be away from the ones close to him. During that time this page will be updated so his friends, family, anyone around the world actually, can track his progress and read updates from the field.
Sometimes it may be his wife Jess checking in. Sometimes it might be lil’ ol’ me re-capping a phone-in. Sometimes it might be someone completely different. Then sometimes, when we’re lucky and he has internet access, it will be the man himself letting us all in on the ride. He may speak of the logistics of what it takes to go on from day to day (food intake, mechanics), he may speak of the physical challenges(aching back, sore hamstring), he may speak of the bond between riders, how he misses his family, or his journey with God. Really, it’s HIS page and he will speak of anything he wants to. But, please keep in mind that he likes to embellish the truth, so when you tells you all about outracing a rouge, post-apocalyptic motorcycle gang to save a gaggle of baby geese- well, take it with a few grains of salt.
In the meantime, check out the links on the right of the page to learn more about the subject at hand, and- make sure to check out the 'comments' on the bottom of each post, feeling free to comment as you see fit (I think he'd get a kick out of that).
So with that I thank you for checking in and giving him all your support. For now, once more into the breach dear friends… tune in, sit tight, and enjoy the ride.

-Kirk "got dropped by Rob within 25 miles" Maroscher


Kirk said...

Say... did ya'll know you can post comments here?

DKSJRS said...

Good Luck Rob. Kent & I will be traveling with you vicariously.

Paula and Chuck said...

Good luck on your ride. We'll put you on the prayer list at church. I believe in the power of prayer. The more the better.
Blessings to you. Take one mile at a time.
We look forward to your daily updates.
I'll try to hold your Mom's hand. Know she'll be biting nails.
God Be With You,

Gale said...

What a thrill to be kept up-to-date with your trip in this way. There are so many praying for you -- but more important -- is to WHOM we are praying. We serve an AWESOME GOD who is omnipresent. He is with you every mile of the way and at the same time with your family and friends. INCONCEIVABLE!!!
(Also, I am sending to your email address a photo of your girls at the track meet the day after you left. Do you think they took FIRST?!!?)


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