Sunday, April 22, 2007

It all starts tomorrow

We just had our first pre-ride meeting. Tomorrow the ride starts w/ a baptism by fire as we will ride 131 miles with plenty of climbing and probably 50 turns and even some miles on the Interstate 10. They give cross country bicycle rides temporary permission to ride on the interstates. The only other time I have ridden on the interstate was with an old friend of mine Markie Gotway when we broke the law and rode from Marion to Gorville on I-57 when they were doing construction.

I really don't feel very verbose tonight. I'm a little, o.k. a lot nervous and I REALLY miss Jess and my kids.

They asked for a quote today when we registered. Mine was from a man named Jim Elliot who was a missionary to Equador who gave his life for his cause. "He is no fool who gives up what he can not keep to gain what he can not loose."


Anonymous said...

Good luck Rob! Leslie and I are cheering you on! Enjoy the ride

Richard said...

Richard&Elanie says, You are a true Landes God fearing ,sharing,courages,caring young man.Heads up and pedal hard.


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