Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Notes From The Field

The story so far…
Last night Rob spent the night in Blythe, California, he has ridden (or is it rode… I dunno- I think it’s ridden) 244 miles in two days time. So far he’s kept the rubber on the road and has had no flats, although I’m not sure how long that will last. Usually that would be a jinx, but to go 3000+ miles without a flat is a little preposterous. Besides, flats aint so bad.
He’ been riding near the front for those two days, but reported to me that today he would stay back and save his legs. Thursday and Friday he will be doing a massive climb equal to that of the grand Tours. He will be at an elevation of 11,000 feet. In addition to the climbing itself (not sure of the category, but I’d guess it’s a 4 or 5) he also has to contend with thin air and the subsequent physiological challenges that brings. Hope he brought some extra vitamin B. He also noted that he will be changing his cogs to allow for some easier gearing; after all he’s still got a looooong way to go.
The interesting thing is the westerly weather. It’s been holding steady at ninety degrees but he hasn’t really broken a sweat. Surprising actually, I’ve ridden with Rob and trust me, this guy can sweat. He carries a little hanky with him to wipe down with and he hasn’t had to break it out yet. This of course is a result of arid climate, and when he’s done for the day he’s covered in a nifty, white film (the body’s sodium I would assume).
As far as the fuel, he’s eating a small breakfast, a few power bars early into the ride, a few lunches on the bike (he noted a turkey sandwich while in the saddle took a little getting used to), followed by a big dinner and some much needed sleep.
I found his riding partners to be interesting. Despite what we probably all thought, Rob is actually one of the younger riders. He estimates that he is about the fourth youngest. Yesterday a man in his 60’s joined up with then and kept an extremely strong pace. Good news and motivation for the rest of us huh? Also there is a professional photographer riding with them so hopefully we will all soon have some good pictures. All in all he’s making some great friends and is remembering to look up from the wheel in front of him to take in the ride.
Lastly, he noted quite candidly how much he misses his family, terribly as a matter of fact. But, he knows he has their full support and hopes that his heart will heal as the ride progresses. I’d go into greater detail about that portion of our conversation, but I’d just assume to let him do the honors. He will have internet access within the next few days and is excited about posting and letting you all in on the goings on himself. Personally, I can’t wait.
Until then- stay tuned and stay safe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is great to hear Rob is doing so well. Thanks Kirk for the updates. Let him know that we are all praying for him and cheering him on from Marion.


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